“[Callaghan’s] a gutsy writer with a gift for creating vivid images rooted in the emotional life of her characters.” – The New York Times
“Engagingly quirky… as far as playwrights unpacking complex ideas, Callaghan provides a shining example.” – TimeOut NY
“Callaghan is a sensuous writer, interested in texture, sound, shape.” – Village Voice
“True to the denials, insanities, and backward glances that constitute psychic wounds refusing to scab over.” – New Theater Corps
“It is unusual enough to interest the veteran theatergoer, accessible to the casual viewer, and not to be missed.” –offoffonline.com
“Well-constructed, well-executed, and it showcases a dedication to theatricality and craft.” – The L Magazine
“Sheila’s work often has this uncanny ability to reach inside me and unlock a tiny door I’d forgotten about. And once it’s open I feel like I can breathe a little easier, think a little freer, and write a little crazier.” -Alejandro Morales, lowercaseletter.wordpress.com
“A flair for the peculiar distinguishes playwright Sheila Callaghan… [she finds] raw emotion under the deadpan uproar… ‘Crawl’ has arresting elegance.” -Los Angeles Times (Recommended)
“Sheila Callaghan takes us through the looking glass into a play with surreal plot developments… a strange-but-touching study of estrangement, loneliness and reconciliation.” -LA Weekly (Recommended)
“Callaghan’s dialogue is sharp and bizarrely incisive, surely heralding another step in the evolution of a great contemporary playwright.” -Entertainment Today
“The brilliance of Sheila Callaghan’s play and a lesson to every aspiring writer is that she takes a mother-daughter conflict, dissects it, probes every aspect with jewel-like precision, incorporates flashbacks, contrasts it with frightened surreal neighbors — then presents the results in 90 taut minutes structured with the lyric prose of a poem. This densely layered play raises as many questions as it answers but it’s a quirky delight. ” -CurtainUp
“Exceptional… a remarkable achievement that makes me realize how fortunate we all are to be beneficiaries of the haunted souls of tortured artists in general–and possibly Callaghan in particular…” -Reviewplays